Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Breathe....not breathing...ouch....

I haven't written any updates on this here blog because typing and mousing makes my right hand numb. Oh, and did I mention that the beautiful Fugue movement of Britten's 3rd cello suite is giving me tendonitis?? Yeah....I find myself not able to breathe and sustain simultaneously. Actually, perhaps the not even looked at once Fantastico movement (which is not so fantastico in my mind right now) is psychologically giving me tendonitis of the brain. At least I'm practicing. And it's great. Now I've truly become masochistic. The true definition of the word.

1 comment:

cellodonna said...

Hi Carolyn,
I just discovered your interesting blog and had to make a comment here, especially after reading your first post that says: "It's unbelievable how many things I can manage to do INSTEAD of practicing." I can relate. I was just searching blogs with the word "cellist" in the title ... instead of practicing. There's quite a few blogging cellists out there. Come visit mine and you'll see even more links.